Strong Workforce Program
Strong Workforce Program Highlights:
In 2016, California committed $248 million in annual investments for growing and improving career and technical education with a goal of creating more than one million additional middle-skill workers. Strong Workforce initiatives rely on workforce/employment data to drive programs, economic development partnerships, and career pathways and curriculum at California’s 115 community colleges.
Our region, spanning from Sacramento to the Oregon border, has received $210 million since the inception of the program and is driven by the call for “more and better” CTE programs. The “more” is increasing the number of students enrolled in programs leading to high-demand, high-wage jobs. The “better” is improving program quality, as evidenced by more students completing or transferring programs, gaining employment, or improving earnings. Key sectors in our region include healthcare, public safety, agriculture, and construction. Please see our Success Stories to learn more about our work.
Strong Workforce Resources

17-18 Regional Share Allocation Model ● May 13, 2020
17-18 College Breakdown ● February 28, 2019
Regional Projects in Common Index ● August 31, 2017
CCCCO PIC Memo ● September 12, 2017
Marketing Toolkit Memo ● December 12, 2017
Memo on 2017-18 Positive Incentive 1-30 ● January 31, 2018
Strong Workforce Program Allocation 2017-2018 Year 2 ● July 26, 2017