E-Blast September 2020

E-Blast September 2020

As a subscriber, you will receive this E-Blast to your inbox every month. The goal of the E-Blast is to keep everyone in the NFN Regional Consortium up-to-date on news, events and other activities happening both in our region and the state. If you would like something placed into the E-blast and/or NFNRC Calendar, please send the information to (please submit by 5pm on the first Monday of the month to be included in that month’s newsletter).

K-12 SWP Selection Committee Announcement

We are pleased to announce the membership for North Far North Selection Committee to support the application selection process of the K12 Strong Workforce Program.

The NFN is are very fortunate to have eight Selection Committee members continuing for a second year and excited about the seventeen new members and three alternates approved to join us in this important work.

Thank you for your interest and willingness to participate on this important committee. We look forward to supporting you all in this important work!

Please find the current list of the NFNRC K12 Selection Committee Members and Alternates here.

North/Far North COE Regional Economic Update
  • Unemployment—Unemployment has continued to decline in the region, falling to 11.6% in the North (Greater Sacramento) subregion and 10.9% in the Far North. Although unemployment rates remain high, the data indicates the worst of the labor market disruption is behind us.
  • Labor ForceLabor force data shows the economic shock has hit the Far North subregion more severely. The trend poses concerns given a long term population decline and the impact of the Great Recession in many rural areas throughout California and the nation.
  • Industry EmploymentAn analysis of industry sectors shows health care employment has increased in the North and Far North subregions. Retail slightly increased in July. Construction, manufacturing, and professional and business services have shown striking resiliency in the North/Far North region. Government employment has declined in the North/Far North region, displaying a concerning trend, but several other industry sectors are showing resilience (construction, manufacturing) or significant recoveries (hospitality and food service).
  • Job Postings—Retail jobs postings have markedly increased in the North subregion and are holding steady in the Far North. Construction shows wild swings in both subregions, but there are no general downward trends. Accommodations and food services job postings declined after a spike during the re-opening in June. Health care is up in the North subregion and flat in the Far North.

Read More

Submitted by: Aaron Wilcher, Director, North/Far North Center of Excellence,

U.S. Department of Energy Cross-Sector Resource Webinar

Friday September 18, 2020 @ 2:00 pm

U.S. Department of Energy cross-sector webinar. DOE’s Office of Technology Transition is looking to intensify its engagement with community colleges, starting with California. Panelists will share important resources, partnership opportunities and available online tools applicable to a breadth of programs from cybersecurity to energy efficiency to electric vehicle charging stations. It’s National Laboratories are key assets with renewed accessibility, including virtual tours, internships and job openings.

Ask the Economist Webinar

Monday September 21, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. (Pacific) 

Please join us for another 30-minute webinar with Dr. Robert Eyler


Jobs – Housing – Business Confidence – Recession

Impact of COVID-19 and Wildfires

Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions at the end of Dr. Eyler’s presentation.

Ask the Economist is hosted by
Chabin Concepts, Keyser Marston Associates, and Economic Forensics Analytics
to assist you in gaining clarity on the economy,
consequences of the disruption and potential recovery timelines

Launchboard Webinar

Monday,  September 21, 2020 10:00 AM

The suite of dashboards on the LaunchBoard have all been updated with 2018-19 enrollment and completion data. A major effort to align metrics across dashboards and across Chancellor’s Office resources and system wide initiatives was undertaken in 2019-20. Join this webinar to get a high level overview of changes made to each dashboard with a particular focus on the two dashboards that drill down to the sector and program  or TOP code level: Strong Workforce Program and Community College Pipeline.

Register Here

CCCAOE 2020 Fall Conference
Registration is LIVE!



CCCAOE’s Fall 2020 VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE is shaping up to be a powerful groundbreaking event for CCCAOE. The experience will kick-off with the traditional 3 days but will continue for several weeks with Webinar Series, Panel Discussions, and more. Extending beyond the 3-day conference will allow for greater impact and learning. With our Virtual platform, presentations will also be available for review for one year. This will allow attendees to go at their own pace and revisit key pieces that benefit their work and campuses

NFN News Center
Grads Ready for Takeoff

Sacramento City College  Airframe & Powerplant Program -February 2020

A&P Maintenance Program Has Sac City Grads Ready for Takeoff

There’s a lot more to next-day delivery than just getting that Godzilla garden gnome or inflatable unicorn to your front door on time. Just ask Sacramento City College alumna Jeanie Marshall.

For the past two years, maintaining the aeronautical fleet that carries Amazon’s precious cargo has been Marshall’s prime responsibility. And it’s not something she takes lightly.

“I take my job very seriously,” says Marshall, one of only three female airplane mechanics at Air Transport International (ATI). “When those pilots take off … they’re going to get home safe.”

It’s a hard-earned confidence. Through Sac City College’s Aeronautics: Combined Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance (A&P) program, Marshall learned from experienced professionals who never sugar-coated the urgency involved in such a high-stakes calling.

“It’s serious stuff, so they have to know the materials,” says department chair Phil Cypret, a teacher at the College for over 35 years. “Literally, every time that airplane takes off, lives are in their hands.”


HELO Success: Shasta College Heavy Equipment Grads Harvesting Higher Salaries

Shasta College Heavy Equipment Logging Operations-January 2020


Your “desk” is a half-million dollar John Deere 859M Feller Buncher with Quadco 248 Hotsaw. Your professor is rocking a hard hat, and very likely, a beard. In case it wasn’t obvious, you’re not in Accounting class.

In Shasta College’s Heavy Equipment Logging Operations (HELO) program, the “classroom” is 45,000 acres of ponderosa pines, and manning a 35-ton motorized saw just means it’s Monday. It may not be the first image you conjure when you think of career education, but in Shasta County, Heavy Equipment is literally changing the CTE landscape. 

“We are surrounded by forests, so our outdoor classroom, where students are training on state-of-the-art equipment, is unparalleled,” says Becky Roe, Senior Project Coordinator for Shasta College’s Economic and Workforce Development division. “These students are getting practical, real-world experience on an active logging site.”

The Feller Buncher, used to harvest and stack trees, is one of four brand new pieces of logging equipment providing a centerpiece for the well-equipped department. Students taking the AGNR 56 Heavy Logging course also have access to Waratah HTH623C Processor, John Deere 2656G Log Loader and a John Deere 648 L-II Skidder. Unsurprisingly, the program tends to attract “hands-on” types.

“I knew I wanted to run heavy equipment,” says program alum Sabrina Cantu, currently succeeding as a Forwarder Operator for Oregon-based Miller Timber Services. “The ability to be able to jump on any piece of equipment… it really helped me to not be freaked when I went into the field.”