As a subscriber, you will receive this E-Blast to your inbox every month. The goal of the E-Blast is to keep everyone in the NFN Regional Consortium up-to-date on news, events and other activities happening both in our region and the state. If you would like something placed into the E-blast and/or NFNRC Calendar, please send the information to (please submit by 5pm on the first Monday of the month to be included in that month’s newsletter).
A full calendar and more information can be found on the Member Hub of the NFNRC website.
Friday May 5, 2017
8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Sequoia Conference Center
901 Myrtle Avenue
Eureka, CA
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Sacramento City College
Sacramento area high school students will compete in
timed cybersecurity challenges designed to replicate the
many different threats that cybersecurity professionals
must confront, from attacks on critical infrastructure to
attempted breaches of consumer data on internetconnected
devices. These cybersecurity competitions
expand access to STEM education and career pathways,
while simultaneously helping businesses address their
cybersecurity skills gaps.
Click for more info
SME and anyone interested in a tour of PASCO Scientific in Roseville: 5/11 6:30 – 8:00 PM Click for more info
Thur. May 18 & Fri. May 19, 2017
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. sign-in begins at 7:30 a.m.
Successfully completing the Adult Critical Care (CCRN) exam is a challenge that has been completed by only a minority of nurses. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, CEP #000180, for the number of hours indicated
SME sponsored ‘putting tournament’ to raise money for scholarships for local area high school students pursuing post-high school studies or careers related to manufacturing. 5/24 Haggins Oaks Golf Complex 5:30 PM.
Folsom Lake College
June 5 to June 16, 2017
American River College
June 19 to 30, 2017
Register today for this technical boot camp featuring 30 hours of programming instruction. This camp is open to high school girls, grades 9th to 12th.
• Thursday, June 15th and Friday, June 16th, 2017
• Sierra College, Fireside Room, 5000 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677
New World of Work, is pleased to offer a 21st Century Employability Skills Training in partnership with the North Far North Consortium hosted by Sierra College. This includes high school educators, college instructors/staff, adult education providers, and workforce development boards who collaborate with their local community colleges.
New World of Work offers curriculum and resources to help educators prepare students for the 21st Century workplace. The two-day training provides an overview of all 20 lesson modules, video content, data collection templates, and offers tips on facilitation strategies. The training is fast paced, interactive, and allows instructors time to practice through group teach-backs. The training is best suited for educators doing direct delivery to learners who wish to incorporate soft skill curriculum in their instruction. Participants can earn a non-credit certificate of completion at the end of Day 2. The training will be co-facilitated by Shannon Wells, Statewide TAP for Employability Skills and Rhiannon Surrenda, Executive Director of California Corporate College.
Registration ends May 26th and is on a first come first served basis as spots are limited.
Register today using the link below!
Questions? Contact
Register here for the “Elevate the Success of your GFSF Program” two-day training on June 21, 8 AM to 4 PM, and June 22, 8 AM to 3 PM.
Whether you’re launching a Get Focused Stay Focused program for the first time, or elevating your GFSF program to the next level, this training is for you. This is the only North/Far North Regional Consortium Training offered this year. Register Now!
Who should attend:
– GFSF Teachers (new and experienced)
– High School Counselors
– District CTE Directors & Coordinators
– Principals
– Superintendents
– College Partners
Preview the agenda here.
This training is sponsored in collaboration with the Greater Sacramento and Northern Coastal/Inland CTE K-14 Pathways Grant and is complimentary.
Register Today!
Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 Time: 11:00am – 3:30pm
An innovative, award-winning toolkit designed to increase girl’s interest & success in
STEM careers. The STE@M™ Mentoring Program was created in response to Science,
Technology, Engineering & Math Industry employer’s outcry
Location: Shasta College – Health Sciences Building, Room 8206, 1400 Market Street,
Redding, CA 96001
Note: For those wishing to attend that are at a qualifying distance a
Video Conference option may be available.
7/31 – 8/4
New World of Work is pleased to offer a two-day 21st Century Employability Skills Training for the Greater Sacramento Region hosted by Los Rios Community College District.
The training will be held on the following dates:
• Friday, October 6th from 8:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and
• Saturday, October 7th from 8:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
The location of the training: Los Rios Community College District Workforce and Economic Development Building in Sacramento, CA.
If you are interested in attending, please complete the registration form by clicking on the hyperlink below. By completing the registration, you acknowledge this is a full two-day training and confirm your availability to attend both October 6th & 7th.
Registration Link:
CCCAOE Conference is next week!
2017 Spring Conference CTE: Your Key to Equity & Access II: May 10 – 12, 2017 with Pre-Conference Workshops: May 9 & 10, 2017. Location: Hyatt Regency Sacramento, 1209 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Click here for more information
CA Small Business Month
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – “In conjunction with California Small Business Month in May, the California Community Colleges today announced a new program designed to pathway students into the small business world of freelancers, independent contractors and entrepreneurs enabled through online platforms – workers who comprise the “gig economy.” …READ MORE HERE
Please RSVP to in-person Regional Meetings, visit; click on the Contact and Meeting RSVP tab at the bottom right hand corner of the website.
• May 11th: Regional Consortium Meeting @ CCCAOE 10:15am
• May 23rd: Coordinating Council Call @ 10am
• June 1st: Program Recommendation Meeting @ 9am
• June 5th: DSN/ Key Talent Call @ 9:30am