E-Blast July 2021
Butte College just wrapped up the first ever Technology-Careers Exploration Summer Institute (TESI) for high school students. The program includes IT Fundamentals training provided by Butte College faculty as well as on-the-job training with local employers Lulus, Stratti, Ray Morgan, and Butte County IT. The goal of TESI is to spark student interest in pursuing careers and education in technology, and to increase connections between students, educators, and employers. TESI is also a wonderful way to expose high school students to high quality tech education provided by our North State Community Colleges and to jumpstart more internship, articulation and dual enrollment programs. Due to TESI we now have interest from our industry partners to start more formal internship programs with Butte!
Students from Chico High, Hearthstone Charter, and Las Plumas High participated in the intensive 3-week summer education and job shadow program. We couldn’t have asked for a better group of students to be pioneers for this new program, their diversity of experience and interests contributed to the success. We are so appreciative of Chicostart (our local tech startup incubator) for providing the classroom space. Each student received Butte College credit and are now prepped to take the CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ industry recognized certification test. Some students are excited to sign up for more Butte ICT courses and one student was offered an internship next year with a participating employer. The student badges made by the Butte College Create Space were spectacular as well.
Submitted by: Wendy Porter, Regional Director, Employer Engagement, ICT/DM porterwe@butte.edu

Submitted By: Gordon Hinkle, Regional Director, Employer Engagement, Global Trade gordon@hinkletec.com
Monday, July 12, 2021
8:30 a.m. (Pacific)
Job Numbers, Updated Forecasts and Recovery Indications
Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions at the end of Dr. Eyler’s presentation
and the presentation will be recorded and available at www.chabinconcepts.com/video
Ask the Economist is hosted by
Chabin Concepts, Keyser Marston Associates, and Economic Forensics Analytics
to assist you in gaining clarity on the economy,
consequences of the disruption and potential recovery timelines
We are excited to announce we have launched Fall 2021 Conference Registrations.
TWO CONFERENCES. We will have an IN-PERSON Conference and a VIRTUAL Conference.
In-Person is September 29 – October 1
Virtual Conference begins on October 12
Why Attend?
Both conferences will focus on sharing high-quality practices that address a full range of issues facing Career and Workforce Education educators, administrators, and other key stakeholders as you seek to prepare students with the knowledge and skills to succeed in the future of work.
Who Should Attend?
We invite educational leaders within Career and Workforce Education including faculty, K-12 career educators, employers, industry experts, or sponsors partnering with a community college.
The North/Far North Center of Excellence is sharing a semi-monthly report on job postings, unemployment, industry measures, and other current data. The COE sends out a condensed version of the economic update in the COE North/Far North email newsletter.
Download the July COE economic update here.
Find this and past economic updates at the North/Far North website.
Sign up here to receive the economic update in your email inbox.
Unemployment— Unemployment rates fell for the fourth straight month in May. The average unemployment rate in the Far North is 6.6%. The average rate in the Greater Sacramento (North) subregion is 6.4%. Unemployment rates in several rural counties with higher-than-average unemployment rates are rapidly decreasing.
Labor Force— May data indicate that the labor force in the subregions continues to stagnate, with modest gains and setbacks. In May, the labor force in the Far North increased by 1.2 percentage points compared with rates in January 2018. The labor force in the Greater Sacramento (North) subregion increased just 0.6 percentage points, having changed little since summer 2020.
Industry Trends— Job numbers in many key industry sectors (health care, government, manufacturing) have returned to near pre-pandemic levels. Jobs numbers in other sectors (construction, transportation and logistics) have surged ahead of pre-pandemic levels.
Hospitality Trends— Jobs numbers in the Far North are 85% of the levels in early 2020 before the pandemic. In the Greater Sacramento (North) subregion, the figure is 72% of pre-pandemic levels; the hospitality sector is only incrementally gaining jobs in the subregion. The data suggest that a share of the workforce in hospitality and tourism has switched industries to growing sectors.
Hiring Challenges— The state and the nation are in a tight labor market. Jobs postings volumes indicate hiring challenges in all sectors, but especially in construction, hospitality and tourism, and manufacturing, where volumes have surged.
Report Spotlight— Health Care Workforce Needs Assessment – This economic update includes a summary of a new report, a health care needs assessment for Sierra College’s satellite campuses in Nevada County and Tahoe-Truckee. Download the “Report Spotlight” Here
Submitted by: Aaron Wilcher, Director, North/Far North Center of Excellence, WilcheA@losrios.edu
ECU Sector
When the 2018 Camp Fire destroyed 90 percent of the structures in the town of Paradise, it also devastated a workforce.
And while the wounds of the disaster remain fresh for the nearly 28,000 community members who were displaced, the town’s burgeoning industrial vibrance can seem like a distant memory.
“Prior to the fire, almost 50 percent of the tradespeople in Butte County lived in Paradise,” says Charles Brooks, Executive Director of the nonprofit Rebuild Paradise Foundation and a Butte College alum.
Those professionals lived in the most fire-affected areas and were forced to leave, further compounding the preexisting workforce gap. Now, with Paradise facing the largest wildfire recovery in California’s history, there are not enough workers to reconstruct the town. “We’re in a major, major deficit of what we’re going to need for the trades workforce,” says the director.
But where there are challenges, Brooks, who lost his home in the Camp Fire, also sees hope. He says Butte College has stepped up to foster much-needed workforce development through Career and Technical Education, pivoting with alacrity to serve up training for in-demand, well-paying jobs.
NFN K-12 Article
IB-CP Patient Care Pathway – Cordova HS
Good grades are one thing. A good education is something else. And while most every California high school student graduates with the transcript to apply to college, many lack practical skills to apply to life.
Enter the International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme (IB-CP), a dynamic set of curricula for high school students, grounded in hands-on learning. The program aims to produce well-rounded, well-prepared grads, and with the support of community college, K-12 and community partners, it’s beginning to bridge the gap for students in the Sacramento region.
“Academically successful students were not taking any CTE,” says Alicia Caddell, CTE Coordinator for Folsom-Cordova Unified School District. “They had no idea of the benefits of CTE programs.
“College and career. It’s not either/or for those kids. It’s both.”
Two years ago, Cordova High School became the fifth California school – the first bearing “Title 1” status — to complete the IB-CP selection process successfully. With the help of Strong Workforce funds, and the support of an energetic faculty and community, the IB-CP Patient Care program is heading into year 3 with plenty of momentum.
“We want to prepare our students for careers in high demand,” says Zandi Llanos, Teacher and Coordinator for the IB Diploma and Career Programme at Cordova High School. “The healthcare sector is a significant employer … a CTE pathway in the medical field is necessary for our Sacramento region.”