E-Blast December 2019
As a subscriber, you will receive this E-Blast to your inbox every month. The goal of the E-Blast is to keep everyone in the NFN Regional Consortium up-to-date on news, events and other activities happening both in our region and the state. If you would like something placed into the E-blast and/or NFNRC Calendar, please send the information to dempseysh@butte.edu (please submit by 5pm on the first Monday of the month to be included in that month’s newsletter). A full calendar and more information can be found on the Member Hub of the NFNRC website.
On November 12, 2019, First Partner Jennifer Newsom visited the Woodland Community College Campus. She is working with the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Farm to School Program Coordinator Nick Anicich. Mrs. Newsom, Mr. Anicich along with Valley Vision connected the college with her staff to fit in an hour long visit of the campus greenhouses. Mrs. Newsom was able to talk with students working in the greenhouse on growth studies and lab projects, as well as learn about how the Woodland Campus sends weekly produce deliveries up to the Lake Campus to be used in their culinary program. It was a great opportunity for her to see how important agriculture is on our campuses and in our efforts to help build the connections with our K12 Partners. Carrie Peterson, Regional Director, Employer Engagement of the North-Far North Region-Agriculture, Water and Environmental Technology is currently working with her staff to plan more visits to other colleges in the NFN Region.
For more information please contact Carrie Peterson @ cpeterso@yccd.edu
Public Service Health Careers Day at American River College was held on November 8, 2020 as part of a regional and statewide campaign to support jobs in public service. This event was a collaboration between American River College Nursing & Allied Health Department hosting Sacramento Public Health Department and UC Davis Health as two of the largest employers for public
service health sector jobs in the greater Sacramento Region. This event impacted students’ understanding of public service health careers in an interactive day at ARC.
- 44 students attended
- 3 high school pathway programs participated from Grant High School and Foothill High School
- Industry Panelists presented on careers in Public Service Health Careers for Public Health Nursing , ICU Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Healthcare Interpreting and Respiratory Care
- American River College Career Outreach and Transitions Specialists presented information about registering for the college experience for high school students.
Supported with local Strong Workforce funds and Regional Director- Employer Engagement/Health Sector Grant
Submitted By: Julie Holt -Regional Director, Employer Engagement, Health Sector, North Region. For more information she can be reached at HoltJ@scc.losrios.edu
Shawn Monsen (left) and with Dr. Markus Geissler (right)
Sierra College was recently designated as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This designation indicates that Sierra College is helping reduce threats to our national infrastructure by promoting higher education and research in Cyber Defense as well as providing the nation with a pipeline of qualified Cybersecurity professionals. And even though all regionally accredited two-year, four-year, and graduate-level institutions in the United States are eligible to apply to become a CAE-CD designated institution, only 312 academic institutions, or less than 7% of eligible institutions, have earned this honor to date. Shawn Monsen, Information Technology Professor at Sierra College, recently traveled to Phoenix, AZ to receive the award at the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Conference where he was joined by Dr. Markus Geissler and Wendy Porter, the Regional Directors, Employer Engagement, Information & Communication Technologies/Digital Media for the North/Far North Region. Congratulations to Shawn and the entire Information Technology Department at Sierra College on this outstanding achievement!
Submitted by Markus Geissler _markus.geissler@crc.losrios.edu
On Friday, November 22, 2019, Jeff Briggs -Regional Director, Employer Engagement North Region _Advanced Manufacturing, Valley Vision, and Carrie Peterson-Regional Director, Employer Engagement North-Far North Region_Agriculture, Water and Environmental Technology held a Cross-Sector Regional Advisory Meeting. They had not hosted meetings with cross sectors previously, so this was a new project. There were over 70 attendees. The agenda included the following:
- Keynote Speaker – Dr. Glenda Humiston, VP, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources presented a new report, “California’s Working Landscapes” and discussed the key contributions of the Food and Agriculture Value Chain.
- Dr. Humiston and Rob Neenan, President/CEO, California Food Producers, facilitated a discussion about what’s new in food trends and next generation food production.
- Employer panel discussion with representatives from Farmer’s Rice Cooperative, Pacific Coast Producers, Vite Ramen, and Z Specialty Foods. Large operations to small start-ups. All discussed advances in manufacturing their products has helped and hindered their businesses.
- Faculty presentations of new certificate programs in Industrial Maintenance Mechanics from Yuba College and Sacramento City College.
There was an excellent discussion at the end about establishing more industry partnerships with our educational institutions in order to pool resources. More information will be available in the next couple of weeks including meeting minutes, slide decks, etc.
For more information please contact Carrie Peterson @ cpeterso@yccd.edu or Jeff Briggs @ jeffbriggs@sierracollege.edu
The public feedback window will open on December 2, 2019, and close on January 3, 2020. The following link (https://www.wested.org/perkinsplanfeedback/) will be shared to the public comment site and form will be shared via listservs and other channels, as well as be posted on the CWPJAC and Perkins webpages hosted by the CDE on Dec 2, 2019.
For more information and dates please review this December 2, 2019 Memorandum
Public Meeting Informational Webinar – Dec 6, 2019 Online Webinar
10:00 A.M.-10:30 A.M.
Join: https://wested.zoom.us/j/900354042
Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 900 354 042
2:00 P.M.-2:30 P.M.
Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 949 783 063
Join: https://wested.zoom.us/j/900354042
Public Meeting #2 – Dec 9, 2019 Sacramento WestEd Offices
10:00 A.M.–12:00 P.M. or 1:00 P.M. –3:00 P.M.
Christopher Center Building, WestEd Offices
Capitol Room
1000 G Street, Suite 500
Sacramento, CA 95814
On behalf of JSPAC – Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee, invite you to attend our annual conference focused on equity and our special student populations. This advisory is funded by Perkins IB.
The CA Perkins Joint Special Populations Equity Annual Conference:
“Equity Action – The leading force for systemic educational equity. Look Deeper beyond the random acts of equity” focuses on education equity transformation and inclusion in processes, practices, partnerships
Location: Holiday Inn, downtown Sacramento
Dates: December 11 & 12, December 10 – Pre-conference
California Secondary, Post-Secondary systems, policy change-makers, practitioners and employers are undertaking the significant reforms to address the attainment disparities in opportunity gaps with “Untapped Populations:”
- Untapped Populations(not used, valuable) i.e. marginalized, students with disabilities, non- traditional, foster, homeless, veterans, underserved, minorities, overrepresented, underutilized, limited English speakers, low-income, economically disadvantaged, immigrants, female veterans, first generations students, second chances.
- A pre-conference workshop will focus on Perkins V: local needs assessment & State Plan
Looking forward to seeing you and having crucial conversations about EQUITY awareness and action.
For more information, contact Maureen White _ mwhite@cccco.edu
Friday, January 10, 2020
10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Sacramento, CA
Location and Registration Link will be Available Soon.
Please Share This Health Workforce Initiative collaborative event with your colleagues.
Questions: Contact Trudy Old at Oldtr@Butte.edu (530) 879-9049
January 16-17, 2020 I 8am – 5pm
Enloe Conference Center
Room 102
1528 Esplanade
Chico, CA 95926
Price: $75.oo
Contact Trudy Old at Oldtr@butte.edu for more information