| | | | | |  | Career Cupids
Los Rios SETA partnership helps LRCCD grads meet their workforce match
They’ve gone to class, nailed their studies, graduated … and they’re on the hunt for a job. Now what?
That’s where the going gets tough for some Los Rios Community College District (LRCCD) grads. Sure, they’ve put in the work necessary to get the credentials for entry positions in advanced manufacturing, allied health, hospitality or construction. But sealing the deal with a job offer often represents a whole new challenge.
Labor market statistics in the Greater Sacramento area offer some insight. While unemployment remains low at 3.4 percent, job growth in most sectors has slowed. . Read More |
|  | WM Competition
Sierra College Entrepreneurship Pathway-Clean Up in Waste Management Competition
The second annual Circular Economy Innovation Competition is underway, and Sierra College entrepreneurship students have launched ahead with cleaner, greener business pitches.
“Oftentimes, innovation happens at the local, entrepreneurial level,” says industry partner Emily Hoffman, Public Information Officer at the Western Placer Waste Management Authority (WPWMA). “Our local community college is a great way for students to get more education and address problems in a hands-on way.
“I think that’s a real positive for workforce development in our region.” Read More |
| | | Sierra College Foundation, Roseville Area Chamber of Commerce Win $198,000 Federal Grant to Help Area Students Enter Growing Cybersecurity Field Grant Will Fund Expansion of New Placer Cybersecurity Talent Pipeline Collaborative
ROCKLIN, CA (October 23, 2024) – The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has awarded the Sierra College Foundation with a new $198,000 grant designed to increase opportunities for local students to break into the high-demand field of cybersecurity and help area employers meet their workforce needs.
“We are thrilled to join the national network of RAMPS (Regional Alliances and Multistakeholder Partnerships Stimulate) for Cybersecurity Education and Workforce Development,” said Amy Schulz, Executive Dean of Workforce and Strategic Initiatives at Sierra College. “This new grant will enable our network of partners to expand opportunities for students and upskilling for workers across our community. This new infusion will help us build on Sierra College’s existing designation as one of only five community colleges in California to be named a National Center for Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity. We are excited to continue our work to prepare students, including those from underrepresented and vulnerable populations, to meet the ever-increasing demand for good-paying cybersecurity jobs and keep our businesses and our country safe.” Read More |
| | 2nd Annual Law Enforcement Panel & Public Service Career Fair |
|  | Woodland College Includes Student Work Based Learning Team in 2nd Annual Law Enforcement Panel & Public Service Career Fair
Following great success the year prior, Woodland Community College hosted the 2nd Annual Law Enforcement Panel & Public Service Career Fair on November 6, 2024. The scheduled panel with curated questions was mediated by Administration of Justice Student Jacob Allen. “We had some questions to ask as a class and we provided some time for questions from the audience,” explained Allen. For the second year in a row the panel consisted of leadership from area, state and federal law enforcement agencies. Sergeant Towle from Woodland Police Department, Lt. Ceja from Yolo County Sheriff’s Office, Senior Officer Carter from Yolo County Probation, Director Kirklady from Yolo County District Attorney’s Office, Officer Fitzhugh and Captain Tien from the California Highway Patrol and Special Agent Rodriguez from the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Read More |
| Supports Underserved Businesses in the North State
Chico, CA: The Governor’s Office of Business (Go-BIZ) California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA) has announced the 2024-2025 recipients of the California Small Business Technical Assistance Program (SB TAP, formerly named SB Technical Assistance Expansion Program). ChicoSTART is pleased to be one of those 100+ Technical Assistance Centers in California awarded for “support of our business consulting and training services in the area of underserved business groups, including women, minority, and veteran-owned businesses and businesses in low-wealth, rural, and disaster-impacted communities”. This funding granted to ChicoSTART will make an impact in the local North State region by supplying more tools and resources to help entrepreneurs start, grow and thrive in those local underserved business groups. Read More |
| | Woodland Community College Gathers Insights from Area Employers for Culinary Advisory |
|  | Employers trickled in to enjoy a magnificent breakfast prepared by Woodland College’s Culinary students in the newly opened Culinary & Performing Arts Center on Campus. Fresh juice, an egg station, and an array of breakfast items were available for attendees to chat over before gathering in the classroom. Chef Paschell Wilson shared the 18 year history of the culinary program held by Yuba College District and Woodland Community College before getting into the excitement around the new facility and program updates. “We have a Culinary Program at this site with a cafe. Students chose the name to represent the theatre and culinary going on here in the building.” Read More |
| | CPL Regional Training Registration Now Open |
| Registration is open for the 2024 - 2025 MAP Regional Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Trainings, presented by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CO) and the California Mapping Articulated Pathways (MAP) Initiative. These one-day workshops are designed to train your CPL/MAP Team to work through the entire CPL process, from outreach and onboarding to planning, awarding and tracking outcomes. Each college should select one regional training to attend as a group. This ensures all representatives from your institution attend the same location and engage in the training together.
| | | 24-25 SWP Preliminary Award Announcement |
| On behalf of the North Far North Regional Consortium’s K12 Strong Workforce Program Selection Committee, we are pleased to announce the preliminary awards for the 2024-2025 K12 Strong Workforce Program (Round 7). The region’s K12 SWP Selection Committee makes all decisions related to selecting grant recipients and awarding specific funding amounts for each grant. All completed applications received by October 11th, 2024 by 5:00 were reviewed and competitively scored by the Committee. They thoughtfully and thoroughly deliberated to reach their funding decisions, based on the Strong Workforce Program legislative intent and the ’24-’25 RFA and Scoring Rubrics.
Final Awards will be announced on Friday, December 20th. After the final award announcement, any Lead Agency may request a copy of their Selection Committee Application Review sheet by making the following request to Tanya Meyer at tmeyer@frc.edu
The North Far North Regional Consortium will be running an additional round of funding in the beginning of the new year, and all applicants who were not funded are encouraged to schedule meetings with the K14 Technical Assistance Provider to review their applications and re-apply. The ’24-’25 RFA states, “After the initial round of award distribution, if a region has not fully awarded their allocation (allocated pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 88827), each consortium may administer a competitive grant application program to distribute the remaining funding, termed “Round 7B” to eligible grant recipients. Decisions governing or relating to the distribution of fiscal resources for the K–12 component shall be made exclusively by the K–12 Selection Committee, including selection of grant recipients and specific funding amounts for each grant.
The NOVA application would be re-opened by January 12, 2025 (for those regions who have elected to have an additional competitive round to administer any remaining funds in their region) and close February 28th, 2025. Applications would be scored by the K-12 Selection Committee and deliberation would conclude by March 31, 2025, with Round 7B award announcements made by April 11, 2025.
Questions? Contact Tanya Meyer tmeyer@frc.edu |
| | | Nursing Enrollment and Retention Grant FY 2024-25 Notice of Intent to AwardThis memorandum is a formal notification of the intent to award the 2024-25 Nursing Enrollment Growth and Retention program grant funding by the Chancellor’s Office Workforce and Economic Development Division. The Nursing Enrollment Growth and Retention program grants awarded to selected California Community Colleges are intended for the expansion of nursing program cohorts, reduce attrition, and increase completion. Grant award amounts are based on amounts requested in the Letter of Intent (LOI) received and the new allocation structure. The funding formula transition places colleges into one of two categories, based on the nursing program’s outcomes data provided to the Chancellor’s Office by colleges for the past six years. The categories are: Read More |
| | Proposed changes to BOG title 5 regs: Baccalaureate Degree Program |
| *45-Day Notice for comments ends 12-21-2024
| | 2024 Chancellor's Office Chaptered Legislation and Guidance Report Now Available |
| The California Community College Chancellor’s Office is pleased to issue the 2024 Chaptered Legislation and Guidance Report.
The Chaptered Legislation and Guidance Report is designed to inform campus leaders of recently enacted laws related to the California Community Colleges, regulatory actions adopted by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors, information on recent federal laws, regulations, and President’s Executive Orders.
This document serves as a notice to districts of new laws which will take effect on January 1, 2025, unless otherwise indicated. It is incumbent upon local leadership to ensure compliance with all new laws and regulations. Implementation guidance has been added where relevant and available, and additional guidance may be available in the next few months.
To assist you in navigating these new laws, the Chaptered Legislation and Guidance Report provides: A description of the bill purpose; A review of existing statutory requirements; A high-level summary of requirements for colleges or entities; Chancellor’s Office preliminary guidance recommendations for district action.
As you review the following bills, please keep in mind that the chaptered version may no longer include provisions that were initially introduced.
We do not recommend solely relying on this document for legislative details. We encourage you to review the full text of bills on Legislative Counsel’s website (leginfo.legislature.ca.gov).
Context for the 2024 Legislative Cycle
This year marked the second year of the 2023-24 Legislative Session, which concluded on August 31, 2024. In 2024, the Legislature sent 1,206 Assembly Bills (AB) and Senate Bills (SB) to Governor Newsom and 1,017 of those bills were signed into law, with the remainder being vetoed. A total of 118 bills pertaining to California Community Colleges or higher education were signed.
Contact Information: Please address any questions regarding this document to GovRelations@cccco.eduor (916) 322-6888. |
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