| December 2023 | | | | | | Happy Holidays from the North Far North! |  | NFN News Center | Brains and ‘Bytes’: FLC and Intel Spearhead First AI Program in Sacramento Region |  | Folsom Lake College Artificial Intelligence (AI) Program
Armand Link knew he needed to upskill to remain competitive in the tech industry, but after losing his job, he wasn’t sure where to turn. That’s when he discovered the brand-new artificial intelligence classes at Folsom Lake College — the only AI program of all two- and four-year schools in the Sacramento region — and he decided to “jump in.”
“As a Black queer individual, it’s been super important having access through Folsom Lake College, which has opened doors for me,” says Link. “I’m incredibly thankful.”
He says his classes gave him a wide overview of AI and instilled the hands-on, high-tech skills necessary to tackle industry challenges. Says Link, “Nothing could have prepared me for how enriching the course material has been.
“Honestly, it was eye-opening and life-changing.”
Now, after receiving his computer information science degree from FLC, Link is on his way to earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Columbia University in New York. He intends to follow his new found passions in AI ethics and natural language processing.
“The program couldn’t have been more timely for my academic aims and interests,” says Link, who credits FLC’s welcoming and rigorous classes for upgrading his skills.
July 2023
| | ‘The Power of Connections’: Building a Better Hiring Event at Butte College |  | Butte College Re-Imagined Hiring Event
In Northern California industry, as in life, the most powerful solutions are rarely simple. But when it came to bridging specific skills gaps in Butte County and beyond, the Butte College Career Center didn’t want to overthink it.
Instead, they went straight to the source, partnering with local agencies and nonprofits to fill imminent demand with pilot pathways in accounting and business. The result was the Butte College Re-Imagined Hiring Event, launched in the Spring and poised to expand as additional employers catch on.
“At Butte College, we believe in the power of connections,” says Tammera Shinar, Dean of Student Enrollment Services. “Providing career-focused support to students helps them gain the skills and confidence needed to walk into an interview and come away with a number of job opportunities.”
Delivered in collaboration with SynEd, a non-profit committed to fostering classroom-to-career pathways, the event was modeled after the organization’s Appointment With Your Future program. The concept? Ditch the dead-end trappings of a typical job fair – the big-budget brochures… the scatter shot anonymity – and put in the work to cultivate can’t-miss candidates with the exact skills hiring managers are looking for.
“This is an excellent model for the future,” says Butte College faculty member Beth Dunn, whose accounting students were among the 20 initially interested in the pilot program. “Students ended up with good job offers that fit their skills.”
July 2023
| News |
Customized Career Fairs - An Impactful Approach
|  | Woodland Community College hosted an inaugural Law Enforcement Panel & Public Service Career Fair on October 24, 2023. The mixed format of a scheduled panel with curated questions followed by Q&A and open-floor employer booths served students and employers well. The approach was inspired by American River College’s seminar style career fair last fall, with a similar scheduled panel and employer booths willing to share information and swag.
The panel included Supervisory Probation Officer Pimentel, Yolo D.A.’s Restorative Justice Director Kirklady, CHP Officer Fitzhugh, FBI Special Agent Rodriguez,
Yolo Sheriff’s Lt. Ceja and Woodland Police Department’s Sergeant Towle. The 5 panelists shared their experiences and offered tips on career preparation. “It was cool to see an FBI Agent on campus!” mentioned one student. “We like to come out when we can,” offered Lt. Ceja. “Thank you for having us out! ”mentioned Dunnigan Fire Department’s two team members, “We are definitely hiring.”
Read More Submitted by: Alena Anberg, Directof of Employer Partnerships aanberg@shastacollege.edu
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College of the Redwoods, All About CivicsBy President Keith Flamer |  | At College of the Redwoods, we take immense pride in producing graduates who are inquisitive, open-minded, and engaged. In the classroom, they explore subjects that stimulate critical thinking, civic responsibility, and an understanding of complex issues. I am delighted when I hear that our students not only engage with these concepts in the classroom but also have the opportunity to bridge their classroom activities with the real world. This connection allows them to see the tangible impact of their education and become more civically engaged.
Thanks to Jim Ritter, our director of employer partnerships, fourteen CR students from assistant professor Austin Robert’s critical thinking and professor Ryan Emenaker’s U.S. government classes were recently able to participate in an “All About Civics” field trip. The day started at the Board of Supervisors meeting at the Humboldt County Courthouse, where they had the opportunity to observe the proceedings and were also invited to present to the board and share their experiences at CR and what they believed to be the institution’s value to the community.
The students who chose to present were very inspiring and I was personally impressed by how many of them were able to connect their individual experiences to significant community issues, including access to mental health care and diagnosis, lack of insurance coverage in the area, and housing and hunger concerns — all areas where the Board of Supervisors might be able to facilitate change.
Read More Submitted by: Jim Ritter, Directof of Employer Partnerships jritter@shastacollege.edu
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Career Fair and Open House – A Community Event
Sacramento City College’s Mechanical Electrical Technology |  | Sacramento City College’s Mechanical Electrical Technology (MET) and Industrial Maintenance Mechanic Technology (IMMT) Programs recently held a community event on November 16th that included a career fair and open house. The event hosted 20 employers and was attended by over 200 students, alumni, area high schools, and members of the community. Richard Gentry, Program Chair for MET/IMMT, said, “Our gathering was more than just an event; it was a vibrant showcase of dedication, collaboration, and community spirit.”
Attendees had the opportunity to network with a wide variety of industry-related employers, all of which were actively looking to fill job openings. Some of the attending employers included: The City of Sacramento Department of Utilities, Sacramento Area Sewer District, United States Postal Service, Tesla, Johnson Controls, and Teledyne Defense Electronics. Josephine Suryono, President of AtWork Personnel, indicated, “The career fair at Sac City College was a phenomenal success! Our team had the incredible opportunity to connect with bright minds actively seeking new opportunities.”
Read More Submitted by: Julie Muir, Directof of Employer Partnerships muirj@scc.losrios.edu
| | Woodland Community College Hosts Dual Enrollment Summit |  | On Friday, December 1, 2023 area high school teachers, counselors, and administrators from several districts and counties were able to join college faculty, student services and admin to participate in the summit from 9a -1p in the Community Building on campus. The morning featured a welcome from WCC’s Dr. Fowler, Dual Director Michael Minnick, and Dual Outreach Liaison, Patrick Donatien. Dr. LaTonya Williams, Dean of Educational Support & Services Division of the Chancellor’s Office shared the vision for dual enrollment from the state level.
Naomi Castro of CLP facilitated data and equity activities with table teams. A panel of dual enrollment students from Pioneer High School in the Woodland Joint Unified School District shared their dual enrollment experiences.
Partners Yolo County Office of Education, Career Ladders Project (CLP), and the Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) partnered with Woodland Community College as the host of the Dual Enrollment Summit. “Our Interim VP, Dr. Sandy Fowler, has had this idea for a while. We are so glad to finally get everyone together,” said WCC Agriculture Faculty and Dual Faculty Coordinator Dr. Stafford-Banks. “I think everyone enjoyed hearing the student perspective as well,” said Banks.
Read More Submitted by: Alena Anberg, Directof of Employer Partnerships aanberg@shastacollege.edu
| Chancellor’s Office |  | WEDD Program Updates-December 2023 | The update includes information on the following items: Chancellor’sOffice Updates CAEP Deep Dive Research California Adult Education Program (CAEP) California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI) Related and Supplemental Instruction Hourly Reimbursement (RSI) Apprenticeship Pathway Demonstration Project (APDP) Economic and Workforce Development (EWD) K12 Strong Workforce Program (SWP) Nursing and Allied Health Perkins V Updates Strong Workforce Program Updates
Click here for more information and details.
| Opportunities | Dean of InstructionLake Tahoe Community College |  | The Lake Tahoe Community College District announces a unique and rewarding opportunity to work in college administration. Under the direction of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Dean of Instruction manages functions associated with educational programs of the college and works in collaboration with administration in supporting faculty and other instructional initiatives. This cabinet-level position will provide leadership and further advancement of the institution’s diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and anti-racism efforts in instructional services as well as continue the development of Guided Pathways initiatives.
This position is open until filled, but to be considered for the first wave, please submit your application by noon on Monday February 5, 2024.
Further details regarding this opportunity areprovided by clicking here. To apply, please visit https://www.ltcc.edu/about/human-resources/dean_instruction.php/ | | Interim Dean of CTE & Workforce DevelopmentWoodland Community College |  | Woodland Community College is seeking a courageous and visionary leader to successfully lead the College Career Technical Education program and workforce development. Woodland Community College is considering applicants from across the nation who have a demonstrated track record of success in leading institutions through systematic change. Woodland Community College is a federally designated Hispanic Serving Institution and approximately serves 7,600 students.
This position is open until filled. Click here for more details and apply. |  | | |