E-Blast March 2021
California Community Colleges Launches New Initiative to Catalyze Innovation and Invention to Solve Social Challenges
All Californians invited to become social enterprise inventors
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office today launched a bold initiative through its Workforce and Economic Development Division to encourage, harness and develop the inventive talents of communities across the State. The goal of the Invention and Inclusive Innovation (I3) initiative is to catalyze innovation and invention to solve social problems that existed before COVID-19 and those that have been created or amplified by the pandemic.
Millions of jobs that have been shortchanged or wiped out entirely by the coronavirus pandemic are unlikely to come back, economists warn, setting up a massive need for career changes and retraining in the United States. The United States needs to invest more in retraining workers, economists warn.
A new national survey of U.S. teens indicates their likelihood of pursuing a four-year degree has decreased substantially over the past eight months, while a growing number believe they can achieve professional success with a postsecondary education attained in three years or less.
Future of Work in California
In its work, the Commission has been guided by several key questions: What is the current state of work and workers in California? What are the key challenges and opportunities for work and workers in California? What is our vision for the future of work in California? How can we chart a path to reach that vision? At the same time, how do we address the present challenges facing workers in California? In this way, the Commission became concerned with both the present and future of work
Contract Education (CE), which provides employee training on behalf of an employer or organization, comes in different shapes and sizes. Program design and delivery vary from one California community college to the next, especially as CE professionals work with businesses and organizations to create innovative custom-made solutions that meet their workforce needs.
Little Hoover Commission’s new report on job training and California’s recovery from the COVID pandemic, and on how state government can support reskilling opportunities for impacted workers and communities. This report strongly supports the Strong Workforce program in its recommendations and for expanded investment.
“The trainings moving to a virtual mode in the pandemic has served as a place for employees to connect to hear each other’s stories, voices, challenges, worries and successes during this especially intense time in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic as a healthcare team”, Christine Osman, Senior project Manager, ELICA Health Centers
Health Workforce Initiative is pleased to have supported ELICA Health Care with a workforce training program called the Patients First Initiative: Business Skills Training. Through this initiative, ELICA is utilizing the 38 modules from the Health Workforce Initiative Hi-Touch Health Care: The Critical Six Soft Skills as the foundation curriculum for training for over sixty employees at 10+ locations in Sacramento and Yolo counties and 4 mobile healthcare units with plans to train over 400 employees in the next one to two years. These modules were developed through a grant awarded to Health Workforce Initiative through the California Community College Chancellor’s Office allowing for open source sharing of the training resources.
ELICA Health Centers- Innovative Workforce Training with HWI Hi-Touch Health Care: The Critical Six Soft Skills
Sacramento and Yolo Counties
Submitted by Julie Holt RN, MSN, CPNP
Regional Director for Employer Engagement for Health, Greater Sacramento Region
The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) is seeking nominations for the 2021-22 Board of Directors, hereby known as the Executive Committee, commencing on March 22, 2021. Each year, the Executive Committee nominations process provides the ASCCC membership a direct voice in the organization’s governance. The Executive Committee’s composition and annual elections are part of the ASCCC’s by-laws. The following seats are vacant during this election cycle:
Open Positions
Officers Positions: Term 06/5/2021 – 06/13/2022 (one-year term) | Executive Committee Representatives: Term from 06/5/2021 – 06/12/2023 (two-year term) |
President | Area A |
Vice President | Area D |
Secretary | North Representative (one position) |
Treasurer | South Representative (one position) |
At-Large Representative (one position) |
If you are interested in STEM careers, please consider attending the Catalyzing Change from Curriculum to Career: Building a Diverse and Equitable STEM Talent Pipeline Conference.
There are a limited number of complimentary registrations available for students so register today at https://catalyzingchange.vfairs.com/ using the code – CACC.
March 17, 2021 (9:30 am-4:30 pm)
Thinking Beyond COVID-19 AND Federal Relief Packages
Featuring Dr. Robert Eyler, Economist
IPPS March 2021 Meeting
March 18, 2021 (2:00 pm-4:00 pm
Click to join Zoom meeting here
For more information email: terri.carpenter@seta.net
With the edict to move instruction online during the COVID-19 pandemic, many CE Directors embarked on new strategies to avoid falling behind in this new environment. These workshops will help you think strategically about your online training and do more with less, communicate more effectively about your services, and add value to clients!
Trainer Bootcamp: Effective Online Training (4 sessions)
Director Sessions: Marketing Strategies
Register Here and view Consultants’ Credentials
Consultants’ –Jonathan Bissell is Executive Director of CCCE Corporate Training Solutions at SMCCCD, Rae Ann Ianniello has worked as a Director of Business Development, Human Resources Manager, Corporate Trainer, and College Professor and Claire Laughlin, MA is a trainer and consultant who uses experiential and innovative methods to help teams and organizations achieve results.
Sponsored by: CE TAP Grant / California Community Colleges – no registration fees
For additional information contact by email:
Margaret Schmidt, margarets@maxinet.com , Faithe Briley, fbriley@mtsac.edu
Monday, March 29, 2021
8:30 a.m. (Pacific)
Please join us for another 30-minute webinar with Dr. Robert Eyler
2021 New Job Numbers, Recovery Indications
Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions at the end of Dr. Eyler’s presentation.
Ask the Economist is hosted by
Chabin Concepts, Keyser Marston Associates, and Economic Forensics Analytics
to assist you in gaining clarity on the economy,
consequences of the disruption and potential recovery timelines
The North/Far North Center of Excellence is sharing a semi-monthly report on job postings, unemployment, industry measures, and other current data. The COE sends out a condensed version of the economic update in the COE North/Far North email newsletter.
Download the full economic update here.
Download detailed industry and jobs postings appendix here.
Sign up here to receive the economic update in your email inbox.
Submitted by: Aaron Wilcher, COE Director WilcheA@losrios.edu
What does a lucky cup of coffee, a supportive professor and the Mechanical-Electrical Technology (MET) department at Sacramento City College have in common?
They all helped alumnus Abraham Arellano get over his slump and back on track to his career goals.
Arellano had been struggling to find a job as an electrician and was working in the Sac City cafeteria, trying to make ends meet while earning the MET Certificate and taking ESL classes.
One night, Arellano’s instructor Jonathan Zeh came in for coffee and was taken aback when he saw his talented student working as a barista.
“He knew I used to be an electrician in Mexico,” says Arellano, who worked in the field for more than 15 years before returning to America. “So he asked me, ‘What are you doing here?’”
Sierra Community College
When it comes to paving the way for crisis-proof careers, Sierra College’s new construction bootcamps are essentially unstoppable.
Beginning in Fall 2019, the College has been connecting students to a suite of three non-credit courses, allowing them to earn their OSHA 10 certifications while networking closely with potential employers… all in just seven to nine weeks.
“The attractiveness of a program like this is that it allows students to explore without losing anything but time — time that will most likely lead toward a passion in their life,” says bootcamp instructor Louie Garcia, Faculty Chair for Construction and Energy Technology at Sierra College. “All you have to do is show up and learn.”
Developed in partnership with the North State Building Industries Association (BIA), the bootcamp affords participants the standard industry requirements and 21st-century skills that businesses need.