E-Blast August 2019


E-Blast August 2019

As a subscriber, you will receive this E-Blast to your inbox every month. The goal of the E-Blast is to keep everyone in the NFN Regional Consortium up-to-date on news, events and other activities happening both in our region and the state. If you would like something placed into the E-blast and/or NFNRC Calendar, send the information to (please submit by 5pm on the first Monday of the month to be included in that month’s newsletter). A full calendar and more information can be found on the Member Hub of the NFNRC website.

California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office


The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is pleased to announce the availability of $10,000,000 in Proposition 98 funding for the CAI New and Innovative Grant Program. This grant opportunity is part of Fiscal Year 2018-19 $15,000,000 CAI, which seeks to create new apprenticeship training program models throughout California.


California Education Code 79148, states, to the extent that sufficient federal funds and other resources are available, the Division of Apprenticeship Standards of the Department of Industrial Relations, in partnership with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, shall develop and implement innovative apprenticeship training demonstration projects in high-growth industries in emerging and transitioning occupations that meet local labor market needs and that are validated by current labor market data.

Bidder’s Conference Participation Invitation

The CCCCO  held a Virtual Bidder’s Conference on August 2, 2019 at 3:00 p.m.

Failure to attend the Bidder’s Conference will not preclude the submission of an application.

Action/Date Requested:

To create and submit your grant application you will need to create an account with NOVA. Follow this LINK to sign up. If you already have an account, click the “sign-in here” link on the sign-up page. Do not sign up again.

Once you create an account, you will receive an email to verify your email address.

The email you receive is titled “Welcome to NOVA” and the link in the email states “Click the link below to complete the sign-up process.” At this point, you will create a password and fill out your profile. Now you will be able to login and navigate to the Programs > Apprenticeship and create a new application.

  1. The California Apprenticeship Initiative, New and Innovative Grant Program RFA Instructions, Terms, and Conditions describe opportunities and application requirements for these competitive grants available to California Community College Districts, California Department of Education – Local Educational Agencies, including Regional Occupational Centers and Programs and County Offices of Education. All application materials can be accessed at:
  2. The CCCCO will accept questions via email up to 5:00 p.m. on August 23, 2019, which is the date posted on the cover of this RFA.

For questions, please contact Nick Esquivel at

New Working Title for SN’s and DSN’s

Workforce & Economic Development Division EWD Program

Effective August 1, 2019

A  New Working Title for Sector Navigators (SNs) and Deputy Sector Navigators (DSN)

to better reflect the role and function of the positions.


Proposed Working Title Format

Sector Navigator => Statewide Director, (Sector Name)

Example:    Statewide Director, Advanced Manufacturing


Deputy Sector Navigator => Regional Director, Employer Engagement (Sector, Region Served)

Example:   Regional Director, Employer Engagement Advanced Manufacturing, Bay Area

2019-2020 Guided Pathways Workshop


Save the Date

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


We are pleased to announce the date for this year’s Guided Pathways workshop. Registration links and more details for the workshop will be released as it becomes available.

This one-day workshop is for teams of faculty, staff, and administrators working at all levels across California Community Colleges to improve student outcomes through implementing Guided Pathways.

More information will be coming out soon.